Thursday, August 11, 2022

what is Depression? Types, Treatment, Sign and Symptoms.



Depression is a mental health disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness

and loss of interest in activities. Symptoms can vary, but common signs include

feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, or worthless; changes in appetite or sleep habits;

difficulty concentrating or making decisions; and thoughts of suicide. While anyone

can experience depression, it disproportionately affects women. Left untreated,

depression can lead to serious health problems. But with the right care and support,

most people can overcome depression and live healthy lives. So if you're feeling

down for no reason you can't seem to shake, it's important to talk to your doctor

about what might be going on. You may just have depression — and there's no

shame in that.


Depression is a mental health issue that affects many people around the world, but

it's often misunderstood. This blog post aims to provide some information about

depression and its symptoms, as well as ways to get help if you're experiencing

these symptoms.

Numbers about Depression (statistics)

Did you know that Qatar has the highest depression rate in the world? In a study

conducted by The World Health Organization, it was found that 1 in  5 people living in

Qatar suffer from depression. That's more than 20% of the population! Worldwide

there are over 350 million people suffer from depression, According to the World

Health Organization. This is definitely something we should all be aware of,

especially if we know someone who might be affected. So what are some of the

symptoms of depression, and what can we do to help? 

Keep reading to find out.

Ladies, have you ever felt like you were in a dark place and didn’t know how to get out?

That is what depression feels like. Depression is one of the most common mental

illnesses in the world. It affects people from all walks of life, regardless of age, race

or income Infect,

      Depression is now the leading cause of ill health and disability




1- Mild,

mild depression, depression, mental health, type of depression

moderate and severe depression.

Mild means that you can still function on a high level, like shopping. Mild means that

you can go do things that you want, but derive little pleasure from. Sever is when you

feel like you're drowning, everyone is out to hurt you, this kind can cause significant

impairment. It's important to seek professional help if you are experiencing any of

the symptoms associated with mental illness, no matter how minor they may seem.

With the right diagnosis and treatment, many people living with a mental disorder can

enjoy a good quality of life.

2- Postnatal depression (PND) :

Did you know that one in five women experience depression after giving birth? This is

known as postnatal depression (PND). PND can occur any time within the first year

after childbirth,

but most often occurs during the first four to six weeks. Symptoms

can include feeling sad, anxious, overwhelmed, or helpless; having trouble sleeping or

eating; feeling guilty or inadequate. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms,

it's important to get help. Talk to your doctor, it is a very common condition that can

be treated effectively. Don't suffer in silence – get help today!

3- Bipolar disorder:

Bipolar depression is a mental health disorder that causes extreme changes in mood.

Symptoms can include mania, depressive episodes, and periods of normal mood.

Bipolar depression can be very serious and lead to problems at work or school, as

well as difficulty maintaining relationships. Fortunately, bipolar depression can be

treated with medication and therapy. Education is essential for recognizing the

symptoms of bipolar depression and getting help. If you want to read more  go

 to Bipolor  blog.

4- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) :

SAD is a type of depression that occurs during certain seasons, most commonly

winter. Symptoms can include fatigue, loss of interest in activities, overeating, and

weight gain.

This condition is caused by a lack of sunlight, and can lead to depression-like

symptoms. It's important to know the signs and symptoms of SAD so that you can

get treatment if need.

Treatment options include light therapy, antidepressants, and psychotherapy.

If you think you might have SAD, it's important to get help from a healthcare

professional. Don't let SAD take over your life—get help today!

5- Dysthymia:

Dysthymia depression is a mood disorder that is characterized by long-term (chronic)

for at least 2 years, low level symptoms like for example poor appetite or overeating;

lack of sleep or on other hand too much sleep; fatigue or low energy; lack of self-

esteem, poor concentration and hopelessness. It can be difficult to diagnose

because it doesn't always meet the diagnostic criteria for major depression.

Dysthymia often goes unrecognized and untreated, which can lead to worsened

symptoms and other mental health disorders. If you are experiencing any of the

symptoms of dysthymia, it is important to seek treatment. There are many effective

treatments available,

so you don't have to suffer in silence. Talk to your doctor about

your options and don't hesitate to get help if you need it. You deserve to feel better.

6- Psychotic depression:

Psychotic depression is a serious mental illness that causes abnormal thoughts and

behaviors. It affects both men and women,

but women are twice as likely to

experience it. Symptoms can include hallucinations, delusions, severe mood swings,

and problems with thinking, concentration, and memory. It's a type of major

depression that includes psychosis, or a break with reality. This can manifest as



or severely disorganized thinking.

If you think you or someone you know may be experiencing psychotic depression,

it's important to get help right away. Treatment includes medication and therapy.

With early diagnosis and treatment, most people with psychotic depression can lead

full, productive lives.

7- Atypical depression:

Atypical depression is a variant of major depressive disorder. It is marked by a

chronic and persistent feeling of sadness, emptiness and hopelessness,

accompanied by low energy, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, disturbed sleep or

appetite, reduced libido and increased sensitivity to rejection. Although atypical

depression is not as common as other forms of depression, it can be just as

debilitating. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it is important

to get help from a mental health professional. There is no shame in seeking

treatment for mental illness- in fact,

it takes courage! So please don't hesitate to

reach out for support if you need it. You are not alone.

8-Mixed depression with anxiety disorder:

Mixed depression is considered a "subtype" of major depressive disorder, and is

characterized by the presence of both depressive symptoms and anxious symptoms.

This combination can be confusing and overwhelming for those who are dealing with

it. As it can be difficult to know which symptoms are related to depression, and which

are related to anxiety. It's important to understand the symptoms of mixed

depression in order to get the most effective treatment.

Top 5 most popular questions about depression:

1- Can anyone get depressed?


anyone can get depressed. Depression is a serious mental health

condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or gender. Some

people may be more at risk for depression than others, but any person can

experience it.

2- What’s some symptoms of teenager depression? Or can children or teenager
have depression?


children and teenagers can certainly have depression. In fact, clinical

depression is one of the most common mental health problems that young

people experience. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about

3% of adolescents in the United States (Approximately 2 million) suffer from

clinical depression.

Depression among young people is often triggered by events or stressors in

their lives,

such as peer pressure, bullying, academic problems, family conflict,

romantic difficulties,

etc. It can also be caused by a chemical imbalance in

the brain or a devastating loss or traumatic event.

There are a number of possible symptoms of teen depression, and it is

important to be aware of them so that you can get help for your child if

necessary. Some common signs of depression in teenagers include:

• Withdrawn or irritable behavior.

• A sudden change in grades or performance at school

• A loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy

• Lack of energy or motivation

• sleep changes (sleeping more or less than usual)

• Appetite changes (eating more or less than usual)

• talking about death or suicide

  Of course,

not every teenager who experiences some of these symptoms will

be depressed – some may just be going through a normal phase.

3- Can I prevent depression?

There are many things you can do to prevent depression. Some of the most

important include getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting

enough sleep, and spending time with friends and family.

Depression is often caused by lifestyle factors like stress, poor diet, lack of


and too much screen time. By making some simple changes to your

lifestyle, you can help reduce your risk of depression. For example, try to get

regular exercise (at least 30 minutes per day), eat a balanced diet with plenty

of fruits and vegetables, get enough sleep (7-8 hours per night), and spend

time with friends and family.

4- Is depression curable?

Depression is definitely a treatable condition. The key is to find the right

treatment plan for you, which may include medication, therapy, or a

combination of both. With the right treatment, you can start to feel better and

enjoy life again. Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you're feeling down –

it's definitely worth it!

5- I will take drugs for life to treat depression?


first of all there are many ways to treat depression like (talk therapy) and

change the negative thoughts to a positive thoughts. According to many

studies (talk therapy) is very effective in many cases of depression. Drugs or

medication can help you to cure, but it doesn’t mean that you need to take

them for life time. Your doctor will help you to determinate when to stop your



1- Genetics:

 Depression can run in the families. If one parent having depression

so the trait is high.

2- Abuse: 

Either physically, emotionally and /o
r sexually.

3- Gender: 

Females more than males.

4- Major events or traumas:

 Stress followed by loss or death of loved ones can

increaser the chance of having depression. Also sever medical illness can

contribute causing depression.

5- Brain chemistry:

 Imbalance of brain or hormones can cause depression.

6- Drugs or alcohol: 

Consume alcohol can trigger depression and even make it worse.


1- Talk therapy/ Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

One of the most effective treatments for depression is a type of talk therapy called

Cognitive Behavior Therapy, better known as CBT. CBT is an evidence-based

treatment and unlike some other types of talk therapy, its effectiveness for both

depression and anxiety has been documented in over a hundred different clinical

research studies including treatment of both children and adults.

2- Medication:

Medicine like anti-depressant can be used to cure the depression. It work in brain

chemistry and fix it, but it take some times, for some people it can take up to 3 week

to start feel good again. So patience is required. Now we agreed that all medication

have side effects so it’s better to involve your psychiatrist in case you feel any

undesirable effect so medication dose can be edited or perhaps medication can be

changed to suit you better.

3- Eye- Movement Desensitization (EMDR):

EMDR combines exposure therapy with a series of guided eye movements that help

you process traumatic memories and change how you react to them.

Your therapist can help you develop stress management skills to help you better

handle stressful situations and cope with stress in your life.

4- Exposure therapy:

This behavioral therapy helps you safely face both situations and memories that

you find frightening so that you can learn to cope with them effectively. Exposure

therapy can be particularly helpful for flashbacks and nightmares. One approach

uses virtual reality programs that allow you to re-enter the setting in which you

experienced trauma.

5- combination:

All these approaches can help. You and your mental health professional can discuss

what type of therapy or combination of therapies may best meet your needs.


Depression is common and can happen to anyone. It disturb your life in negative way.

It has many reasons like family genes, abuse, and trauma like loss of loved ones.

fortunately it’s curable, so if you or anyone around you experience depression don’t

hesitate and try to help. Remember depression is easy to treat in early level.

Untreated depression can increase the risk of suicide. 

If you want to direct talk with psychiatrist just visit

  The End


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Bipolor Disorder: definition, types and treatment

Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD)


 Biploar Affective Disorder               is a mental illness marked by extreme shifts in mood. Symptoms can include an extremely elevated mood called mania. They can also include episodes of depression. Bipolar disorder is also known as bipolar disease or manic depression.

Bipolar Disorder: 2.8% (estimated 7 million people) Anxiety Disorders: 19.1% (estimated 48 million people)

An estimated 4.4% of U.S. adults experience bipolar disorder at some time in their lives.

The average age-of-onset is about 25, but it can occur in the teens, or more uncommonly, in childhood. The condition affects men and women equally, with about 2.8% of the U.S. population diagnosed with bipolar disorder and nearly 83% of cases classified as severe.

Types of Bipolar

1.                    Bipolar I disorder. You've had at least one manic episode that may be preceded or followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes. In some cases, mania may trigger a break from reality (psychosis).

2.              Bipolar II disorder. You've had at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode, but you've never had a manic episode.

3.             Cyclothymic disorder. You've had at least two years — or one year in children and teenagers — of many periods of hypomania symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms (though less severe than major depression).

4.          Other types. These include, for example, bipolar and related disorders induced by certain drugs or alcohol or due to a medical condition, such as Cushing's disease, multiple sclerosis or stroke.



There are three main symptoms that can occur with bipolar disorder: mania, hypomania, and depression. While experiencing mania, a person with bipolar disorder may feel an emotional high. They can feel excited, impulsive, euphoric, and full of energy. During manic episodes, they may also engage in behavior such as:


               1.          spending sprees.

                2.          Unprotected sex

                3.          Drug use.

Bipolor Disorder In Detail

Hypomania is generally associated with bipolar II disorder. It’s similar to mania, but it’s not as severe. Unlike mania, hypomania may not result in any trouble at work, school, or in social relationships. However, people with hypomania still notice changes in their mood.

During an episode of Depression you may experience:

1.             deep sadness.

2.             Hopelessness.

3.             loss of energy.

4.             lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed.

5.             periods of too little or too much sleep.

6.             suicidal thoughts.

Risk Factors:

Factors that may increase the risk of developing bipolar disorder or act as a trigger for the first episode include:

1. Having a first-degree relative, such as a parent or sibling, with bipolar disorder.

2. Periods of high stress, such as the death of a loved one or other traumatic event.

3. Drug or alcohol abuse.


1.             Biological differences. People with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still uncertain but may eventually help pinpoint causes.

2.             Genetics. Bipolar disorder is more common in people who have a first-degree relative, such as a sibling or parent, with the condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing bipolar disorder


Left untreated, bipolar disorder can result in serious problems that affect every area of your life, such as:

1.            *  Problems related to drug and alcohol use.

2.            * Suicide or suicide attempts.

3.            * Legal or financial problems.

4.            * Damaged relationships. 


Bipolor Disorder Treatments


 BAD is chronic illness which has no cure but there are currently different types of medications that put the Disorder into sleep. However, those medications should be continued through life.


Bipolar affective Disorder is one of the disorders which cannot be treated without medications due to the pathology of the illness in the brain.


The goal of the treatment will be to decrease the number of relapses e.g (passing through a manic or depressive or mixed episode) as much as possible or prevent them totally. The other goal is to protect the brain from the toxicity of the excessive dopamine released during those episodes in case the relapse happens while the patient on medication and so the strength of the relapse itself will not be strong and it will be quick to come out of it.


BAD is treated with 3 families of medications. Some cases we need to use all three and others need only one or 2. The types of meds might change as well with age or challenges in life as well as many other factors.

  • 1. mood stabilizers 
  • 2.  Antipsychotics             
  • 3. Antidepressants  
  • 4. Benzodiazepines during relapses



The patient should also make sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle such as regular sleep patterns, exercise, or other ways to release daily life stressors such as any kind of hobby.


Regular check up on other functions in the body such as the thyroid gland, vitamins levels, and others which can directly affect the illness.


1.            Note:  Stop any kind of recreational drugs uses and avoid alcohol consumption.


                                  Top Best Psychiatric Clinics in Qatar

1-.  Al-Sanabel Psychiatric Center

السنابل التخصصي للصحة النفسية. الدوحة . قطر 

Al-Sanabel psychiatric center. Doha . Qatar Psychiatrist & psychologist counseling, all mental health services for children and adults. Diagnose, treat, and prevent mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders with the use of medication, neuromodulation, and psychotherapy.” Mental health conditions that may be diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist include: anxiety. phobias. 1, Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 2, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 3, personality disorders. 4, Schizophrenia and paranoia. 5, depression and bipolar disorder. 6, Dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


2-. Psychiatry Hamad Hospital



Mental Health Service, the main provider of specialized mental health care and treatment in Qatar. The Service provides a range of acute and community-based services which includes inpatient, consultation/liaison and emergency services. Additionally, there are outpatient clinics for adults, children and adolescents. Therapies such as psychology and psychotherapy are also available.

The Mental Health Service works closely with the Primary Health Care Corporation and other healthcare providers in Qatar to help patients on the journey to better health.

We also provide education for medical, nursing and allied health students. As a teaching institution, we are also actively engaged in research of relevance to the patients we care for and the disorders we treat.
Hamad General Hospital is a 603-bed facility located within the city of Doha that offers trauma, emergency medicine, pediatrics, critical care, specialized surgery, specialized medicine, laboratory medicine, and radiology services.



3-. Wayak Hospital Qatar





‘Weyak’ is a Doha-based organization specifically established to help those suffering from various forms of mental illness in Qatar. Besides providing free counseling services to anyone seeking help through online and telephone counseling, Weyak ensures their privacy is protected; callers are not required to identify themselves. The assistance offered is not limited to those suffering from the illness but is also extended to the caregivers of those affected by the condition.






ثنائي القطب


                كان يُعرف في السابق باسم الاكتئاب الهوسي، عبارة عن حالة صحية عقلية تتسبب في تقلبات مزاجية مفرطة تتضمن الارتفاعات (الهوس أو الهوس الخفيف) والانخفاضات (الاكتئاب) العاطفية.

أعراض ثنائي القطب:

أ. العاطفة مثل:

1.      شعور لا ينتهي بالتعاسة.

2.      فقدان الاهتمام بالأشياء.

3.      عدم القابلية على الاستمتاع بالأشياء. الشعور بعدم الاستقرار بدنيا مع التحفز الدائم.

4.      فقدان الثقة بالنفس.

5.      الشعور باليأس وعدم الجدوى وفقدان القابلية على فعل الأشياء.

6.       توتر عصبي أكثر من الحد الطبيعي.

7.       التفكير بالانتحار

ب. التفكير:

1.      عدم القابلية على اتخاذ حتى القرارات البسيطة.

2.      عدم القابلية على التركيز.

ج. الإعراض البدنية:

1.      فقدان الشهية وفقدان الوزن. - اضطراب النوم.

2.       النهوض مبكرا عن المعتاد.

3.      الشعور بالتعب.

4.      الإمساك.

5.      فقدان الرغبة الجنسية.

د. السلوك:

1.      عدم القابلية على البدء بالإعمال أو إنهائها.

2.      كثرة البكاء أو الشعور بالرغبة بالبكاء وعدم القدرة على ذلك.

3.      الابتعاد عن الاتصال بالناس.

أسباب اضطراب ثنائي القطب:

لا يبدو أن هناك سبب واحد للاضطراب ثنائي القطب ولكن من المرجح أنه ينتج عن مجموعة من العوامل التي تتفاعل مع بعضها منها:

1. عوامل وراثية: يمكن أن ينتقل الاضطراب ثنائي القطب من الوالد إلى الطفل، حددت البحوث صلة وراثية قوية في الأشخاص الذين يعانون من هذا الاضطراب، إذا كان لديك قريب مصاب بالاضطراب، فإن فرصتك في تطويره أعلى من أربع إلى ست مرات من الأشخاص الذين ليس لديهم تاريخ عائلي مسجل للمرض.

2. عوامل بيولوجية: غالبًا ما يظهر لدى المرضى الذين يعانون من اضطراب ثنائي القطب تغيرات جسدية، ولكن الارتباط لا يزال غير واضح وأكيد.

3. الاختلالات الكيميائية الدماغية: أثبتت الأبحاث أن اختلالات الناقلات العصبية بالدماغ تلعب دورًا رئيسيًا في العديد من اضطرابات المزاج، بما في ذلك الاضطراب ثنائي القطب.

4. المشاكل الهرمونية: تؤدي الاختلالات الهرمونية أحيانا إلى حدوث اضطراب ثنائي القطب أو تسببه.

5. العوامل البيئية: قد تساهم إساءة المعاملة أو التعنيف الشديد، الإجهاد النفسي، الخسارة الكبيرة أو بعض الأحداث المؤلمة الأخرى في حدوث اضطراب ثنائي القطب أو تحفيزه.

هذا وتعد أحد أهم الاحتمالات هو أن بعض الأشخاص الذين لديهم استعداد وراثي للاضطراب ثنائي القطب قد لا يكون لديهم أعراض ملحوظة حتى يؤدي العامل البيئي إلى تحول مزاجي حاد.



علاج ثنائي القطب

مرض ثنائي القطب او الاضطراب الوجداني هو مرض مزمن اي يشبه السكري وضغط الدم وليس مرض عابر كالإنفلونزا. لم يتوفر الى الان علاج نهائي حيث يقضي على المرض نهائيا ودلك قد يعود الى اسباب المرض العقلية بعدم الانتظام في أنظمة النواقل العصبية الدوبامين وغيره. لكن توجد حاليًا أنواع مختلفة من الأدوية الجيدة التي تسيطر على المرض وتجعله في حالة نوم حيث يستطيع الشخص ممارسة حياته بطريقة طبيعية جدا. يجب أن تستمر هذه الأدوية طوال الحياة.


اضطراب ثنائي القطب هو أحد الأمراض التي لا يمكن علاجها بدون أدوية ودلك يعود للسبب الكيميائي في انظمة بعض النواقل العصبية.


سيكون الهدف من العلاج هو تقليل عدد الانتكاسات مثل (المرور عبر نوبة هوس أو اكتئاب أو نوبة مختلطة) قدر الإمكان أو منعها تمامًا. الهدف الآخر هو حماية الدماغ من سمية الدوبامين المفرط الذي يتم إطلاقه خلال تلك النوبات و تقليل قوة النوبة نفسها  و تسريع الشفاء منها بدون الحاجة للدخول للمستشفى.


يتم علاج مرض ثنائي القطب باستخدام كل او بعض الثلاث عائلات التالية:

1. مثبتات المزاج مثال: ديباكين - ليثيوم

2. مضادات الذهان مثال: اولانزابين

3. مضادات الاكتئاب مثال: الباروكستين

4. البنزوديازيبينات: كلونازيبام (مهدآت) أثناء الانتكاسات والتي قد تسرع فترة الشفاء لا تستخدم وحدها لا تستخدم خارج النوبات.


قد يستخدم الطبيب الاربعة معا وقد يستخدم واحدة أواثنين حسب صعوبة الحالة. بشكل عام العدد والجرعات تكون اعلى خلال فترة الانتكاسة وتقل في الفترات الطبيعية.  قد تتغير أيضا أنواع الأدوية او جرعاتها مع تقدم العمر أو التعرض لتحديات الحياة بالإضافة إلى العديد من العوامل الأخرى.


يجب على المريض أيضًا التأكد من الحفاظ على نمط حياة صحي خاصة اوقات النوم المنتظمة بالإضافة الى ممارسة الرياضة أو هوايات أخرى طرق للتخلص من ضغوطات الحياة اليومية.


فحص منتظم لوظائف الجسم مثل الغدة الدرقية ومستويات الفيتامينات وغيرها التي يمكن أن تؤثر بشكل مباشر على المرض.


التوقف التام عن استخدام أي نوع من المخدرات الترويحية وتجنب استهلاك الكحول 


Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric disorder characterized by affective instability and cognitive deficits, particularly during mood episodes. Abnormalities  related with brain regions (ALN) appear to be involved in the neurophysiology of bipolar disorder.

Accurate and timely diagnosis necessary for achieving goals of wellness and functional recovery


Distinguish between bipolar, unipolar, mixed features


Treatment choices in bipolar disorder


Florida guideline: summary of evidence and algorithm


New treatments are coming








what is Depression? Types, Treatment, Sign and Symptoms.

Depression Introduction Depression is a mental health disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities...